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00. Poliniza Dos 2024

00. Poliniza Dos 2024


31 de marzo de 2024

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Open call: POLINIZA DOS 2024 Trobada d'Art Urbà


Deadline for registration and submission of applications is March 31, 2024.


The Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, through the Cultural Action Area of the Vice Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society, presents the rules of the call for interventions for POLINIZA DOS 2024 (Trobada d'Art Urbà), whose winners will participate in the nineteenth edition of the urban art contest at the UPV and that this year will take place between 13 and 17 May 2024.

Starting from the consideration of mural painting as that painting made on an architectural support that relates plastically and symbolically with the urban environment, all kinds of plastic proposals that fit this definition will be taken into account and all artists of legal age can participate, either individually or collectively.

The deadline for submitting applications begins the day after the publication of the extract of this resolution in the Diario Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana and ends on March 31, 2024.

Call for applications: Download
Application form: Download




01. PC_ACTS 2024. Cultural Proposals for Art, Science, Technology and Society

01. PC_ACTS 2024. Cultural Proposals for Art, Science, Technology and Society


From September 30 to November 30, 2023



The call PC_ACTS 2024 is open to all members of the UPV university community to propose activities related to Art, Science, Technology and/or Society during the year 2024.

The call PC_ACTS 2024 arises to respond to all those members of the university community who want to carry out activities of production and dissemination of cultural proposals related to art, science, technology and / or society during the year 2024. It is the aim of PC_ACTS to anchor culture in all areas of education, research and management of the Universitat Politècnica de València to "overcome the compartmentalization of knowledge and work in a transdisciplinary way" promoting groups that relate art, science and citizenship, or themes that require the connection of aesthetic, scientific and social solutions, which are formulated as inclusive and transformative proposals related to the SDG 2030 (Sustainable and Inclusive Development Goals). The selected cultural proposals will also function as a seedbed for future larger projects that point to new cultural dimensions for sustainable development policies.

This year's call for proposals incorporates as a novelty the anonymization of the proposals in the selection process.




The selection committee for the PC_ACTS 2023 call, formed by: María Teresa Palomares, deputy director of culture of the ETSA; Inmaculada Romero, specialist in open science; Irene Parrilla, representative of the delegation of students, Mónica Espí, technician of the Cultural Action Area, María José Martínez de Pisón, director of Cultural Action Area (representing the vice-rector of art, science, technology and society), acting as secretary without vote Lola Gil, technician of the Cultural Action Area, has resolved to select 30 cultural proposals, to be developed during the year 2024, with an economic support of 40.988 €.

The Commission, given the high number of proposals and their quality, has requested the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society to increase the financial support for this call, as well as to thank the university community of the UPV for their positive response to this call.

Participation data:

Data of the selected proposals:

Linkage with the SDGs:

1. Artistic Residency ai2 - Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control Lab UPV

1. Artistic Residency ai2 - Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control Lab UPV


Until December 30, 2023



Artists in Residence Program UPV ai2

Vice-Rectorate of Art, Science, Technology and Society UPV

We invite anyone interested in interdisciplinary research and the field of art to submit a project related to the objectives and research lines of the Laboratory of Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control UPV. Synthetic biology currently offers many expectations in the food, construction and fashion sectors, while at the same time generating numerous controversies. We invite you to participate in this call, contributing from diverse identities, how to explain the transformations, applications and implications that synthetic biology introduces in different areas of society? Is it possible to include an intersectional point of view in scientific-technical practices to avoid biases?

If you want to carry out an artistic project within the framework of the Laboratory of Synthetic Biology and Biosystems Control, with the collaboration of the Faculty of Fine Arts, the Cultural Action Area of the UPV, and the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC), download and read both documents carefully to prepare your application.

Amount of the residency Documents requested

If you have any questions about the procedure please write to cultura@upv.es

Selection Committee

Organized by

Residency UPV Web














3. 4th PRECREA Awards

3. 4th PRECREA Awards


Until September 30, 2023


The Valencian public universities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 1. 2 of the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, 2001, of Universities, modified by the Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12, 2007, in the sense that "the functions of the University at the service of society are: a) The creation, development, transmission and criticism of science, technology and culture; b) The preparation for the exercise of professional activities that require the application of knowledge and scientific methods and for artistic creation; c) The dissemination, enhancement and transfer of knowledge in the service of culture, quality of life, and economic development; d) The dissemination of knowledge and culture through university extension and lifelong learning", assume this mandate and, among other initiatives, call the IV Awards for the Creation of Valencian Public Universities (PRECREA 2023). These awards are intended to reward the cultural work carried out by individuals, groups or institutions within the scope of the Valencian Community. There are five different categories:




5. Tierra Ciudadana artistic residency

5. Tierra Ciudadana artistic residency


Deadline January 30, 2023.



UPV Artist-in-Residence Program: Citizens' Earth

Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society UPV

We invite anyone interested in interdisciplinary research and art to submit a project related to the goals and work lines of the Cátedra Tierra Ciudadana.

The Cátedra Tierra Ciudadana, promoted by the UPV and the City of Valencia, opens its doors as a space for research, critical reflection, exchange, training and dissemination around the agricultural, food and social sciences. https://catedratierraciudadana.blogs.upv.es

If you want to carry out an artistic project within the framework of this space for study and research, with the collaboration of Cultural Action Area UPV, and the Centre del Carmen Cultura Contemporània (CCCC), download and read these documents carefully: Residency amount Documents required   If you have any question, please write to us at cultura@upv.es   --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVISIONAL LIST OF ADMITTED AND EXCLUDED --------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINITIVE LIST OF ADMITTED AND EXCLUDED --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF THE TIERRA CIUDADANA ARTISTIC RESIDENCY --------------------------------------------------------------------- RECTOR'S RESOLUTION TO THE TIERRA CIUDADANA ARTISTIC RESIDENCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------  

AR(t)IBMCP Artist-in-Residence

AR(t)IBMCP Artist-in-Residence


deadline December 30, 2021


The AR(t)IBMCP call marks the beginning of the UPV Artist-in-Residence Program, which is intended to promote an interdisciplinary exchange between international researchers, scientists and artists with UPV.

According to IBMCP's approach, the proposed Artist-in-Residence will be carried out based on concepts derived from the research undertaken in said research center and its objectives of improving the crops and agriculture through science. The residency will provide an educational and experimental platform for creative thinkers to explore the potential and implications of plant biotechnology , working in the nexus between art, science and technology.

The resident artist will have a workspace at IBMCP and in situ scientific tutoring through collaborations with researchers from various laboratories. It will allow her/him to discover different research projects, their objectives, the scientific methods used, and the experimental approaches used.

The objective of the residency is to create an artwork, and then promote it through outreach. The content of the artwork will be related to the research carried out at IBMCP, thus allowing our center to explore new ways of alternative communication with the company about the achievements we have made.

The format of these artwork is totally open, in accordance with the current standards of contemporary art in areas such as Interactive Art, BioArt, Hybrid Art, AI & Life Sciences, Sound Art, Net Art, Digital Communities, Participatory Art/Crowd Art, Artistic Platform Projects and Art Activism, among others.

We are looking for an innovative trans-disciplinary project that explores new visions of the role of plant biotechnology in agriculture and extends beyond the fields of art and science, approaching, for example, ethics and social responsibility issues.

The proposal must be an original artwork which opens up new perspectives in the field of art interaction, science, technology and society. Having said that, the artwork proposed can be completely new or an extension of a work in progress.

Commitment of AR(t)IBMCP to the artist

Documents requested

See the call to know all the details of AR(t)IBMCP

In case of problems with the system for sending applications, until the day before the deadline for submission of applications, interested persons may request assistance for the electronic processing of their application in this call by sending an email with the application, according to the established model, to the address vacts@upv.es expressly indicating in the email that they consent to the electronic processing of their application for participation through a person assigned to the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society.

Download list of admitted and rejected candidates

Download extended list of admitted and rejected candidates



Datathon 2022 - Art and Culture Seminars

Datathon 2022 - Art and Culture Seminars



The Observatorio Valenciano de Datos Abiertos y Transparencia in collaboration with the Vice-rectorate of Art, Science, Technology and Society offers Seminars of culture and art to interest, train and raise awareness of the possibilities of open data in culture, art and research.

These seminars have an open character and will be offered in the classroom A-4-2 of the Master in Visual and Multimedia Arts in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Through these seminars, the aim is to address projects, by those registered, that will allow them to participate in the Datathon 2022. This competition arises from the collaboration between different Chairs and research groups of the Universities of the Community of Valencia interested in the use and dissemination of open data.

The seminars will be guided by Emanuele Mazza, brief CV:

Artist and independent researcher at the Laboratorio de Luz since 2005, he has participated in the development of several institutional and personal projects related to electronic art, such as d3sombra, a personal work presented at Ars Electronica 2006, or Light Modulator 3.0, a group work resulting from one of the Light Lab research projects presented at the ZKM in 2009. He is the author of GAmuza and Mosaic, open source projects, hybrid applications between live-coding, visual programming and modular graphic software, specific for the development of digital art, audiovisual performance and for teaching in the field of electronic art. Since 2006 he is teaching different workshops on tools and development methods related to interactive art. He is a founding member of the cultural association Pluton.cc, creative common nano space, based in Valencia.

Seminar schedule

February 11     16:00 a 20:00
February 18     16:00 a 20:00
February 22     16:00 a 20:00
March 31         18:00 a 20:00
April 8              Online tutoring 2 hours from 16:00 to 18:00


## Course Syllabus

  • The Babel library (internet, open-data and not-so-open-data). Overview of referents, data sources on the web, access and formats
  • Lab practice, data filtering tools, advanced use of text editors (https://atom.io/), regex for automated mass corrections
  • Data Parsing, from the idea to the right dataset, sorting and exporting data in standardized formats such as csv, json and geojson
  • Data representation practice, basic graphics with html/css/javascript using d3.js library (https://d3js.org/)
  • Interactive visualizations study, adding depth layers to data representation
  • All registrations will be made by evenbrite. These seminars will be face-to-face.

    Participants who complete the project will receive a certificate of completion of the seminar and their participation in Datathon 2022.

    PC_ACTS 2023. Art, Science, Technology, and Society Cultural Proposals

    12-09-2023 10:23:14

    PC_ACTS 2023. Art, Science, Technology, and Society Cultural Proposals


    From September 30 to November 30, 2022



    The PC_ACTS 2023 call is open to all members of the university community who propose projects related to Art, Science, Technology and/or Society during the year 2023. It is the PC_ACTS goal to anchor culture in all education, research and administrative areas of the Universitat Politècnica de València to "overcome the knowledge compartmentalization and work in a transdisciplinary way" by encouraging groups that connect art, science and citizenship, or themes that require the connection of aesthetic, scientific and social solutions, which are formulated as inclusive and transformative proposals in relation to the SDGs 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals). The selected cultural proposals will also act as a seedbed for future broader projects that point to new cultural dimensions for sustainable development policies.

    El comité de selección de la convocatoria PC_ACTS 2023, la iniciativa del área de Acción Cultural de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), ha elegido un total de 26 propuestas culturales relacionadas con arte, ciencia, tecnología y/o sociedad, que se desarrollarán, con su apoyo, durante el presente 2023.

    Ahora, una vez seleccionadas las propuestas, el Área de Acción Cultural contactará con los responsables de cada una de ellas para transmitirles cómo acceder a la dotación económica asignada.

    PC_ACTS 2023 hace especial hincapié en la vinculación de las propuestas seleccionadas a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) establecidos por las Naciones Unidas en su Agenda 2030.

    De este modo, se pretende impulsar grupos que relacionen arte, ciencia, ciudadanía y cualquier otra temática que requiere la conexión de soluciones estéticas, científicas y sociales, propugnando propuestas inclusivas y transformadoras que favorezcan los ODS.


    1.Resolución PC_ACTS

    Datos de participación:

    64 solicitudes presentadas, 2 rechazadas, 26 seleccionadas, coste realización 31.533 euros


    13 mujeres (36 solicitudes) / 13 hombres (26 solicitudes)

    9 estudiantes (20 solicitudes) / 12 PDI (30 solicitudes) / 3 PAS (10 solicitudes) / 2 OTRO (2 solicitudes, son personal investigación)

    1 Alcoi (3 solicitudes)/ 1 Gandía (5 solicitudes) / 24 Vera (54 solicitudes)

            Contact: <cultura@upv.es>

    Poliniza Dos 2023

    Poliniza Dos 2023


    Open call: POLINIZA DOS 2023 Trobada d'Art Urbà

    From 22nd to 26th May de 2023

    The application submission period ends March 27, 2023



    The Office of Cultural Activities of the UPV presents the rules of the official announcement for participation in POLINIZA DOS 2023 (Urban Art Meeting), whose winners will appear in the XVIII edition of this urban art event by the UPV, which will be held from 22nd to 26th May 2023.

    Based on the consideration of wall painting as a painting done on an architectural support, plastically and symbolically associated with the urban environment, all artists over 18 years old interested in taking part can do so individually or collectively.

    The application submission period starts from the day following the publication of the excerpt of this final decision in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana and ends March 27, 2023.

    Call for entries: http://www.upv.es/entidades/ACU/info/U0931329.pdf

    Rules for entries: http://www.upv.es/entidades/ACU/info/U0931332.pdf

    Registration Form: Download application






    PolinizaDos 2022

    PolinizaDos 2022


    From March 10 to 21, 2022

    Link Externo



    Release Bases

    The Universitat Politècnica de València, through its Cultural Action Area, presents the bases of the call for interventions for PolinizaDOS 2022 -Trobada d'Art Urbà, whose winners will participate in the seventeenth edition of the urban art meeting at the UPV, which will take place between 16 and 20 May 2022.

    This year, the Encounter approaches graphic production as a mechanism through which to occupy public space and from which to build critical denunciations and collective identities. In this sense, all those proposals that, from mural painting, posters, design, sculpture or other practices, approach this approach and can intervene on the spaces and architectural supports of the Vera Campus of the UPV will be taken into account. Participation is open to all artists of legal age, either individually or collectively.


    Resolution PC_ACTS 2022

    Resolution PC_ACTS 2022



    The selection committee of the PC_ACTS 2022 call, composed by:

  • Alba Braza Boïls
  • Guillermo Muñoz Matutano
  • Salomé Cuesta Valera
  • María José Martínez de Pisón
  • Lola Gil Collado
  • They have selected 40 cultural proposals related to art, science, technology and/or society, which will be developed, with the support of the Cultural Action Area, during the present 2022.

    With the call PC_ACTS 2022 the Cultural Action Area has redefined the goals of the previous CAP, with special emphasis on linking the selected proposals to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations in its Agenda 2030.

    The diagram that heads this text, shows the interest redistribution of the selected proposals in the Sustainable Development Goals. These proportions point to the need for reflection in the university community. Because although it is logical that goal 4 [Quality Education] covers a greater proportion, the fact that 3 proposals addressed all the goals, makes us see that goals 1 [End Poverty], 2 [Zero hunger] and 6 [Clean Water and Sanitation] have not been a specific interest for any proposal and they are very important. We must continue to work to balance these proportions.


    campus UPV de excelenciacampus UPV de excelencia
    Vicerrectorado de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
    Universitat Politècnica de València © 2021 · Tel. (+34) 96 387 90 00 · informacion@upv.es
    EMAS upv