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UPV Art and Heritage Collection Area

Office attached to the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society, in charge of managing resources for the administration, promotion, dissemination and conservation of the UPV Heritage and Art Collection.

Since its creation in the 1990s, the UPV’s art collection has grown exponentially; it now holds more than two thousand works. Significant works of contemporary art, paintings, sculptures, and graphic and photographic creations are located on the Vera, Gandía and Alcoy campuses.

The Office is also responsible for the coordination and supervision of the collections that are housed at different centres of the Polytechnic University, such as the Museum of Information Technology (ETSINF), Toy Museum (ETSID), Museum of Telecommunications (ETSIT), Agromuseum (ETSIAMN), and the Alcoy Industrial Heritage Collection (EPSA).

The management, dissemination and safeguarding of heritage assets have been the priority objectives of this Office since its inception. Guided tours, temporary loans of works to institutions and museum spaces, and the development of activities linked to heritage studies are actions that facilitate synergies between art, science, culture and society.

Currently, we are developing new technologies that will bring about considerable improvements in the monitoring of the works and in their future conservation as a heritage legacy.

The Heritage and Art Collection Office organises various practical activities on the themes of art and its dissemination and conservation. The active participation of university students is sought, so that they may expand their knowledge of different areas and related subjects: preventive conservation, the cataloguing of works, the curation of collections, and the dissemination of the collections and museums of the Office.

These activities are awarded up to 2 credits towards a bachelor’s degree (60h), for participating students who request them.

Some of the activities programmed by the Vice-Rectorate for Art, Science, Technology and Society are:


Director Area 
Antoni Colomina Subiela
Email ancosu@upvnet.upv.es
Phone Ext. 78214

Secretary's office
Email farteupv@upv.es   
Phone +34 96 387 90 98 (ext. 79098)

Programmer Analyst Technician
José Joaquín Lorente García
Email jlorente@upv.es
Phone Ext. 79013

Conservation and Restoration Technician
Beatriz Doménech Garcia
Email: beadomga@bbaa.upv.es
Phone: Ext. 19097

Documentation Technician
Guadalupe Navarro Montón
Email: guanamon@upv.es
Phone: Ext. 77780

campus UPV de excelenciacampus UPV de excelencia
Vicerrectorado de Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Universitat Politècnica de València © 2021 · Tel. (+34) 96 387 90 00 · informacion@upv.es
EMAS upv